Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Have You Ever Seen the Wind?

And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:2)

Have you ever seen the wind? That’s a rather ridiculous question, I know, but it gets at important spiritual truth. Obviously you can’t see the wind, but when you see the way it makes a wheat field dance on the Kansas prairie or tip over the trash cans at the end of your driveway, you know it’s there. In the same way you don’t actually hear the wind; you hear the noise it makes as it rustles the trees or sweeps through your cul-de-sac.

In The Lost Art of Finding Our Way, John Huth writes:

In travelling the Barrens [of Nunavut in Canda], the Netsilik often use the wind direction for orientation. They often use the Sun, Moon, and starts as references to update their bearings, but these are rarely visible during extended storms or periodic fog. The prevailing winds are reasonably consistent and form a natural compass to such an extent that wind from different directions has characters, and each is designated by its own name. The wind creates ripples in the snow perpendicular to the wind direction and allows a hunter to follow the ripples even as the wind drops off. (pp.16-17)

Recognizing the presence of God in our lives involves a similar kind of attention to the signs that are all around us. We learn to recognize the presence of God in our lives or in the lives of others in the way God’s love, grace, and mercy brush up against us leaving telltale signs. 

In 1884 the Reading Railroad came up with the slogan “Stop, Look, and Listen.” The slogan was placed at all railroad crossings as a safety measure. Inattention could mean the difference between life and death. It occurs to me that “Stop, Look, and Listen” can be a helpful spiritual prompt for those of us seeking to encounter Jesus on the road.

Stop. Summer’s a great time to pause in the midst of a hectic life. If you’re like most people, you’re busy, overworked, stressed out, and over-extended.  In the course of these longer, warmer days, create some intentional space to just stop and take a deep breath.  

Look. When you’ve hit the pause button, take a look around. Count your blessings. Look at the wonders that surround you. Be amazed. What are some of the signs of God’s activity that surround you? Last night, I hugged my son long and hard for no other reason than I was filled with overwhelming love and appreciation for his presence in my life. 

Listen. We learn to recognize the voice of God through a regular encounter with the Bible. In the life and ministry of Jesus, we become familiar with the “sound” of God’s voice. Its telltale accent is detected in mercy, love and grace. If nothing else, revisit the stories we read in worship each week. 

Move. We’re adding an additional step to this reflection process. Move. But don’t just move. Move with some purpose and intentionality, based on the signs you have observed and the direction you have received.  

In the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s activity surrounds and fills us.  May you be blessed as you orient your life to the signs that are all around!

Pastor Mike

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